Celebrate a World of Flavors! National Nutrition Month 2022

March is National Nutrition Month (NNM)! As dietitians, we celebrate nutrition every day, but during the month of March, it’s a great time to bring a little bit more awareness to certain topics. This year the theme for NNM is “Celebrate a World of Flavors.” I love this theme because it ties into beliefs about food I hold firmly. Food should be fun, flavorful, individualized and most of all ENJOYED! By trying different dishes from different cultures, practicing with different spices and herbs, we expand our flavor scope and bring enjoyment into the foods we serve ourselves and our families.

A few of my favorite flavors include the robust flavors of coriander, cumin, and turmeric in Indian dishes like Masala, savory/earthy flavors of oregano, basil and thyme in Italian dishes, the spice from peppers and chilis in Tex-Mex and the bright flavors of garlic, dill, and countless others in Mediterranean dishes. Easy and tasty weeknight meals for us might look like Greek pitas, spaghetti with meat sauce, burrito bowls and even a very quick Tikka Masala.

As you plan meals and snacks, think about the flavors you and those you are feeding desire. Salty, sweet, spicy, tart, savory… what do you enjoy most? Below I am sharing a peek into one of the ways we help create snack ideas at Lemond Nutrition. Pairing foods together for snacks helps create a flavor and satisfaction worth celebrating!

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram through the month of March as we celebrate National Nutrition Month, bringing tons of helpful and practical ideas!

About Emily Dudensing

No information on this site should be used to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease or condition.


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Celebrate A World Of Flavors Taco Style