Make it stand out
“A person’s most useful asset is not a head full of knowledge, but a heart full of love, an ear ready to listen and a hand willing to help others.”
L Led with integrity, compassion, and care.
Everyone is a leader in some capacity due to the influence we have upon the people around us. In this spirit, we lead each task, project, conversation and job with integrity, compassion, and care. Integrity is the epitome of honesty and the alignment of sound judgment. Compassion is an authentic concern for the people around us. Care is the deliberate action taken using compassion and integrity to help.
E Equity.
We provide the same compassion and care founded on integrity to everyone regardless of who they are, where they come from, the position they hold, status they have in the world, beliefs they have, culture or worldview they follow.
M Making a difference.
We strive to make the world a better place for those we come in contact with. That means we remain involved in internal projects and relations, as well as community endeavors that are aimed at helping to improve the society around us.
O Others Centered.
We believe that serving and caring for others leads to a life of fulfillment. Internal and external decisions are based on the thought of how it will affect those around us. The decision to act or not act is made with this consideration: Is it kind? Is it helpful? Is it just?
N Nourishing growth.
The growth and vision we pursue professionally and personally will be rooted in service. The work here is so satisfying because we know we serve a vision and mission bigger than ourselves.
D Deliberate stewardship.
We have an innate responsibility for all people and resources that have been entrusted to our care. We will deliberately steward these gifts founded in the basic principles of integrity, compassion and care.