Maintaining Nutrition Goals While Traveling

Having a consistent routine is one thing that helps us stick to our habits. Especially when trying to implement new habits, it can be hard to maintain momentum when the routine is not your normal. No matter if your goals are to manage cholesterol, blood sugar, or just want to increase the quality of your diet, the changes you are making don’t have to be put on pause during travel. Whether you are traveling for work or vacation, these tips can be helpful for sticking to your goals!

Plan Ahead

Pack snacks for the road or airport so you are providing nourishment for your body consistently. Going long hours without a meal or snack can lead to being overly hungry, making it difficult to make the prescribed choice when you have the opportunity to eat. Look up menus of restaurants you plan to go to so you know what options are available to create a balanced meal (aim for a meal with multiple food groups).

Prioritize Protein

Focus on having protein with meals and snacks to stay full and satisfied for your daily activities. Consider quick sources like nuts/seeds, been jerky, nut butters, hard boiled eggs, etc.

Avoid Skipping Meals

It is normal for your eating schedule to be at different times than you are used to while home, but don’t skip meals altogether (especially breakfast). Have some snacks packed to hold you over if a meal is going to be later than planned.

Give Yourself Grace

You probably won’t be able to make the choice that most aligns with your goals every time, and that is okay! As long as you are making an effort to choose the best option for you at the time and remember that travel is temporary. Focusing on what you do consistently will make more of a difference than a few days of not being on your normal schedule.

Talk It Out

Start trips with a plan that you agree on with your dietitian, since they can give you personalized advice for your situation. Reflecting on your trip afterward can be helpful so you can go through examples of what went well and what was challenging, and how to make adjustments for next time.

If you don’t have a dietitian and would like to work with one to help meet your nutrition goals, reach out to us at Lemond Nutrition!

Written By: Hannah Bjerke, MS, RDN, LD


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