Grocery Shopping With A Plan

Having food on hand week to week is a must, but grocery shopping can be overwhelming to many – where do you start?

 Going in with a plan can be a helpful way to make the task of grocery shopping less daunting, but even this can feel challenging with so many food-related choices to make.  Here are some things to keep in mind as you plan your grocery list for the week:

What do you have at home?  This is often a good place to start, and can help minimize food waste and keep things budget friendly.  So take inventory of what you have on hand, rather than overbuying at the store.  If you have frozen chicken breasts, let’s find a crockpot meal to use them in.  Maybe you have some Brussel sprouts that won’t be good for much longer – try roasting these as part of a sheet pan meal or wrapping them in foil and tossing them on the grill.

Taste preferences.  What foods do you like?  What types of dishes sound best for the week?  Do you want something cool and light, or maybe something hearty and filling sounds better?

Cost and budget.  Shopping seasonal produce is a great way to save money.  Check out this link to see what produce is in season for Texas shoppers.  Frozen and canned fruits and vegetables can be cheaper options as well, and can help prevent unintentional waste from overbuying fresh produce.  And don’t forget the bulk options!  The cost savings of buying foods that you eat often in bulk adds up over time.  If you’re worried about these foods going bad before you have the chance to eat them, try splitting up the contents and freezing them.

Nourishing your body with variety. If you’ve worked with one of our dietitians at Lemond, you’ve heard all about the power plate.  When you’re planning meals for the week, do your best to keep this in mind!  Choose a protein, a grain/starch, fruit and/or non-starchy veggies, and dairy if desired.  The goal is to incorporate variety in each meal and give your body all that it needs to operate at its best.

Quantity – number of meals and amount of time.  Take a look at your schedule for the week to determine how many meals you’ll need to cook, and how much time you’ll have.   If you know you have a couple of busy nights, that’s probably not the best time to make a labor-intensive meal.  Those busy nights might be the time to pull leftovers out of the freezer, or choose a 30 minute meal.

Try making your next grocery list with these tips in mind, and if you have any questions please give us a call! We’d love to support you in finding a planning process that works for you.

Written By: Lauren Battles, RDN, LD


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