10 Ways to Power Through An Afternoon Slump
Ever feel like you hit a wall in the afternoon? Whether you’re at work or school feeling tired later in the day, or at home with a “to-do-list” that seems a mile long, here are a few strategies to boost your energy without having to turn to coffee or an energy drink. For some, these beverages temporarily raise your energy, but may result in a larger “crash” shortly after. Here are some suggestions to help keep that energy rolling throughout the day!
Fueling Regularly - eating a meal or snack every 3-4 hours can help avoid feeling famished, keeping energy levels stable; fueling regularly also prevents overeating at meals or excessive snacking at certain points in the day
Honoring Hunger and Fullness Cues - honor those cues to reach a comfortably full feeling; that means on a scale of 0-10, try eating to a level of 7
Think Power Plate - meals should include variety from 3-5 food groups; always include a good source of protein and complex carbohydrates, with fiber rich fruits and veggies
Hydration - aim for ½ of your body weight in ounces of fluid daily; instead of that second cup of coffee, start the morning with a large glass of water and then sip throughout the rest of the day
Afternoon Snacks - write down snack ideas that are easy to grab that include a lean protein and carbohydrate; snacks should “curb the hunger” but not fill you up necessarily; aim for 10 grams of protein and 15-25 grams of carbohydrate
Plan 3-4 Dinners Weekly - avoid the “What’s for Dinner” stress; once a week go through your pantry and refrigerator and plan 3-4 meals; include making note of when to take freezer items out
Stage Your Space - place fruits and vegetables in the front of the refrigerator to make them easier to grab (not tucked away in the drawers); go through drawers and cabinets and make space for the items that you use more frequently
Diaphragmatic Breathing - taking some deep breaths throughout the day have been proven to improve sleep, reduce stress, improve concentration, and more
Quality Sleep - start by setting a bed time that allows 7-8 hours of sleep per night
Movement - stand up at your desk to stretch and get the blood flowing; take a brief walk around the building, or up and down the stairs periodically throughout the day
Maybe you have tried some of these strategies in the past, but if you take TWO WEEKS and really focus on 3-4 of these items, let’s see what happens! If you’re still feeling tired, Lemond Nutrition has dietitians that can help you dive deeper into helping you find what works best for you.